Author: Ian Anderson
Interesting, unusual, and offal tacos
You can walk into any taco shop in town and order without looking at a menu. Every does does carnitas, carne asada, and some kind of fish, and most do at least one of these well. But a lot else fits inside a palm-sized tortilla, and this search for... Read More | Share it now!
This summer’s must-have meal is being served under a tree in Mexico
If you love great food and unforgettable dining experiences, here’s a sweet little road trip that should be on your itinerary this summer.
Black hole development in Little Italy
Planning documents from Civic San Diego indicate up to one million dollars will be allocated to the piazza project by the city, to be drawn from Development Impact Fee Funds. These are fees collected from commercial developers that are intended to fund... Read More | Share it now!
He said he would destroy our neighborhood
A developer’s plan to build on a canyon property in Hillcrest sparked an ever-escalating two-year dispute with the project’s immediate neighbors. As the differences have become more contentious, one or the other side has appealed to the city’s... Read More | Share it now!